Dysfunctional family: Growing up in a dysfunctional family.
Whenever she shares the sip of caffeine validating the whole universe under the twinkling sky, the conversation ends with, “Why my family is dysfunctional?” She’s filled with trepidation about visiting home. And tired of facing the same regular endless arguments that end on the blame game. Actually, sometimes….the loud scene!! The Reality: Me and Spotlight Are you filled with the dread thought of going home? Or, else you feel neglected around your own people, kind of unaddressed fear, furious one…!! It seems everyone claims to be from a dysfunctional family. (The short brief of Her is explained here.) And the rest of the souls are wondering trying to win the…
How to deal with the post-breakup situation?
Getting a relationship bruised is normal if you consider the present scenario. But though few real hearts suffer a painful breakup. It sucks when the relationship you thought will take the path of a happy ending gets stuck in the middle of the one-way highway. ( Post-breakup ) There remains nothing except mourning the loss of your ingenious thought. You really can’t avoid the pain of your innocent heart, craving mind, and eyes full of phantasm. You can’t bury the memory you made with the then person of your life. It takes your inner soul’s peace. Turning a little back, UnrevealedThoughts We met in higher secondary school. Eventually, we started…
How to cope when you’ve been told you are ugly?
You are not UGLY, you just look like yourself !! It’s necessary to cope when you have been told you are ugly. Let go of the illusion that makes you believe in other’s opinions. Everyone is beautiful in their own way is the most common response you get, whenever you broach the subject of beauty. Meanwhile, deep down everyone gets jealous staring at those cover pages of magazines that are almost featured by fair definition of beauty and its standards. Fair-who defined the definition of fair? and what exactly it looks like? It’s pre-existing thought of people passing from you and me without the fear. And if you contemplate, no…
The Art of Living Single.
There was a time when being single is used to mean that nobody wants you or might be you have any wrong sides. But with the time, now it means you are pretty sexy, bold, and taking a string of your life in your hand. Living Single. We live in a portrayed world where coupling up is often seen as the right thing to do. The day-to-day celebrations associated with the relationship, pre-post wedding, romantic couple parties, and all that phase of mingling might be exciting and full of life – for single it can be smile cracking. Well if you talk about society, adulthood has been synonymous with marriage.…
5 Reasons, Why being Highly Sensitive Is Actually Good?
People often dislike being sensitive, they think they are being weak. But they are the most genuine and honest people you will ever meet. Scroll down to read, the 5 reason for being highly sensitive is actually good. Identifying your real feeling is an important step in overcoming emotional sensitivity. Determine what you are feeling exactly in your term and once you labeled your emotion – your feeling, you will be able to uncover the reason for being this way !! There’s no perfect. And if you found the reasons for being sensitive, then relax – it’s not bad to be sensitive as addressing is far better than letting it…
A note of HER journey: Truth speaks !!
Last night I got an email, unusual email from her who prefers to hide her name but wanna share a portion of her journey on my blog dashboard. I requested her to come up. And tell everyone “this one is you” but probably her feet are still bound by the iron chains of the so-called disgusting belief of society. (Women Empowerment.) UnrevealedThoughts She is the victim of this concocted culture established by the thought of a male-dominated society. She says, Yeah, I agree, I’m a girl, who is not fairly white and not fairly brown but just a normal girl. A girl with dreams and aspirations who expect to be…
How to be Perfect: there’s no perfect exists.
The purpose of our life is to be happy and satisfied. And in pursuit of happiness, we start looking for perfection thinking it will definitely satisfy us. How to be Perfect: there’s no perfect exists. Although, we agree perfection is not attainable the wants of making everything perfect get closer. Instead of doing the things that make our hearts exuberant and satisfy, we flee for the so-called perfection theory. But just give yourself time and realize “What is the word perfection for you?” Relationship: The millionaire one. Is that, getting the favorite color of shoes-later on causing blisters, or being in the relationship with the same guy you fantasized about…
Have you ever fallen in love with a Stranger ?
Love with Stranger or its Just Infatuation? “Falling in love with STRANGER, makes you believe in Supernatural things.” Falling in love is normal. And if you are single it means you are preparing for your next relationship. Or else on the way of falling for a stranger. But falling for a stranger is something that one should allow to do. And even it’s true that at some point in our life we experience falling for a stranger, honestly- “ I think everyone does that.”😉 It’s natural phenomena and sounds exhilarating to fall in love with a new person, whom you barely know where you will feel…
Have you got frenemies?
“It’s better to choose ENEMY than FRENEMY” I think most of us have at least one or more. It’s like every one of us have frenemies in our life. UnrevealedThoughts Before digging and getting deeper into the content, Have you ever realized exactly when you can define anything without typing on the search box? It’s the time when you have strong experience in something relevant probably, you don’t need a Google search box, and frenemy is similar to that. Unfortunately, we were far apart from realizing it, though we all have at least frenemies in our life. Well, if it comes to the definition of this portmanteau…
How to relieve stress?
“It sounds weird, but stress has been a regular diet for our brain.” Unfortunately, stress has been an incessant part of our life. That’s the reason, I came up with this post considering ways to relieve stress. ( How to relieve stress .) And it seems it is essential for survival. As it becomes an unavoidable outcome of our daily busy schedule. So we need to think about, ways to relieve stress !! No wonder there is always at least one reason to get stressed. At the end of the day, it’s just because when we can’t cope with a specific thought, event, or anything like that we…