Why is Life Complicated for you?
The most complicated thing in life is to not feel complicated. In the same vein, the most complicated skill is to be simple. We live in a world where everything seems straight above forward but in reality, there’s inevitable change inviting sudden breakdown and collapse.
The problem arises naturally without knocking on your door. Meanwhile, solutions require our attention, cogitation, and acumen to decode them. Rightly, the problem arises but there are ways we actually make our life harder on ourselves. And, that is more often. Stretching is a common problem either it’s friendship band or the thread of prolonged conversation, we over-scrutinize.

Life is simple. But often simple is termed as boring or nothing exciting, stagnant. Whereas, simplicity can be beautiful, awfully. Don’t forget, “ your life is complicated as you make it.” Because some of us hold the nature of accusing others when life is not working out in our favor.
But if you contemplate, you will realize the one who is shifting the blame is an actual one. Hard to trust, “Look at in the mirror, you will find.” It’s not others, it’s all your mind-play. Say NO, without feeling guilty.
After going through this itinerary and having a long think, I realized humans and their over-analyzing head makes life complicated. Life in a single way can never be. And yes, there’s evidence of life being complicated i.e. the way we sustain inviting the superfluous. Followed by pretending, fakeness, and the imaginary illusion that encounters the stress naming it as “God why life is complicated?”
Relax, I’m not pointing individuals. Here, I’m having words about the behavioral attitude of humans, the way we find simple as boring but deep-down that’s what we need, the smooth functioning.
We are the ones who complain but, choose to stay. Expect people to understand meanwhile, we are still unable to join the thread. We love the outfit but choose not-to-wear because seeking approval from the mass is probably running in our veins.
The latest one, we calculate the calories and exercise needed to burn all those gained before consuming. We fake on social platform while, our spotlight is completely different. The pretending – the perception – way of understanding is all the complication if you miss the positivity.
We live in a world where there is constant change. Presently, our lives just flipped overnight by a world Pandemic. The environment is healing but the humans are suffering. Actually, we have no control over the things going around. And, this is the complication everyone is facing collectively besides existing.
But this is the time, we should make our life as uncomplicated as possible. We can’t think to add that may result in fearful – anxious – stress. Though, it’s hard to keep yourself upbeat with no social gathering and physical presence. But that’s the take of the time. Quarantine: A Big Break.
The reason why your life is complicated.
- Worriedness – This results in mental trouble and stress. The increased level of your worry won’t solve the problems. In fact, it may increase and you can loose your temper. There is no benefit of stretching the nerves except pain and sleepless night.
- Lack of awareness – This is the situation when you’re unsure about the things that you want or expect from your life or unable to decide. The stack of blur puzzling thoughts on mind will surely result in worry. Instead, give yourself time and understand.
- We do more than We should – This is the situation of being a YES person to everything and everyone, even if that’s unnecessary. “You’re not here to please everyone, don’t bother on trying.” The best thing you can do is be yourself.
- Nature of seeking approval – Let’s be honest here, most of us seek approval from others for placing things in our life. We expect people to like and that’s when they start judging unnecessarily. Instead of thinking about others’ motto should you are enough for yourself-the, good critics, too. You are not everyone’s Cup of Tea.
- Aim for control – No wonder, we try to control more than we should. Controlling is limiting yourself from enjoying the path you chose. No matter if that’s longer, you should enjoy each bite of it. Control is not the way, it results in frustration, anger-issue, and affects the whole chapter.
- Let things GO – Controlling and letting things go is the opposite side of a long thread. You cannot hold them both at the same time. And, the best thing for your peaceful mind and growth is “letting things go.”
Ways to cut the Complications out of your Life.
No one wants to feel stress under tons of thoughts and unsolved issues. No one wants to invite the puzzling and taxing phase unnecessarily. But in case if you’re living, it’s high time to cut all those unwanted involvement of knots. Stop staring and yearning for other’s life, probably they are also struggling or pretending, you never know!!
You will always have challenging times, the more complicated you make it, the more difficult your stage will be. The more you focus on listening to other’s voices by quitting yours, the more you will seek for approval of others – which is not required. Not at all !!
Besides this, there are strategies that can help you to reduce the arising problems and complications you’re facing. And, for your own happiness, you have to work a little harder.
- Meditation
- Exercises/ Yoga
- Playing games/ Netflix
- Fun chat with friends
- Journaling/ Scheduling
- Having a peaceful walk Ways to Date Yourself.
I strongly believe, the required connection with yourself solves more than half of one’s problem. You may ramble for long hours on being complicated but instead of this, you should focus on solving. Problems arise naturally or by creation, it totally depends upon you to support yourself or not on healing. Throw your past emotional baggage and hang onto your newfound strength.
Besides this, I hope you all are doing well. Stay safe and stay indoors. Let’s be extra kind and offer helping hands. Anyways, let me know your thought in the comments below. You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook. Or else on Medium. Let me know the area where I need to improve. Follow for more. Stay tuned.
Keep Loving, Living, and Sharing.

Thank you for this, it was really insightful! I think we’re all guilty of doing at least a few of these – I know I definitely need to work on the letting things go one in particular! Hopefully your tips will help.
Yes, we all are guilty of this around. But it’s high time to make changes. Glad, you liked the post.
Thank you dear, keep visiting.
I always tried to make the life simple but found the process complicated 😁
I can understand but for personal growth we need to focus. Glad you liked the post. Please, keep on visiting.
Blogging Generation
An fruitful as well as insightful blog, Sidhi!
Loved reading it and also wants to mention that your writing is so awesome that I enjoyed it till the end of blog.
Super hope for the part 2 of this and you really give answer to the question.
Keep sharing!
Thank you for such beautiful words appreciating my writing and am sure I will be back with interesting writings. Please, keep visiting. Thank you.
Tiffany McCullough - Metaphysical Mama
Great post! It’s so true, we really do make our lives more complicated than they need to be. Your suggestions for cutting out the complications are perfect. Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you so much. Actually, these points are the ideas that I follow and shared. Keep visiting. Thank you.
This is a good discussion of why life is complex. I like Netflix as a potential solution.
Yea. Netflix for relaxing is a potential solution. Thank you, for your words. Please, keep on visiting.
Molly @ Transatlantic Notes
I don’t necessarily feel like my life is complicated but it has been very challenging; particulalry the last two years (not related to the pandemic, but that didn’t help). I try not to make decisions that make things more stressful for myself but that can never be fully avoided and the challenges that come along recently were outside of my influence of control so it doesn’t really fall under being ‘complicated’. This post did give me pause to think of the ways I can continue to work to remove things I can control and that cause anxiety and stress overall — thanks for sharing!
I can understand the phase but I’m happy that you tried not to make decisions that make things more stressful, prioritizing yourself. I hope you’re doing well. And, thank you for your words. Please, keep on visiting.
Michelle Gast
What an oustanding, insightful, helpful post. Thank you. I’m going to bookmark this post. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, dear. This surely motivates me. Please, keep on visiting.