She is the trouble maker: Probably a good one !!
Trouble maker, it sounds like a taunt to someone. Let see, how it can turn..!!

She remembers and definitely can assure, she was not the Trouble maker during her school days. She neither created nor was part of any arguments that would tag her as a trouble-maker.
As a little girl, she used to spend hours staring at that cabinet full of beautiful and eye-catching dresses and sorting through her mum’s jewelry boxes. UnrevealedThoughts
She often tried mum’s jewelry and gaze herself in front of the mirror draping red, yellow, and colorful sarees.
With time, and the education that she gained, made her a confident energetic soul who is always ready to stand for herself. And not to inherit the silence that her mother is holding.
Doesn’t matter where the place exactly is. Either it’s family ground or the battlefield. Or else the thought running on her, if it’s wrong then it’s wrong.
Confidently, She always raised her innocent trembling voice towards the bold statement against the so-called beliefs of the people mindset.
She is still young and a non-trouble-maker is a complete package of troubling now. How to deal with the post breakup?
She is now a troublemaker daughter who refuses to carry the silence of their mothers. The one who refuses to inherit the so-called belief of the culture which is always at the doorsteps with a long list of not-to-do things.
She is now a troublemaker friend who refuses to stand with her friends because she doesn’t find her presence there. The one who ignores the trivial and hypocrisy thought of her circle.
She is now the trouble maker for her society because her thought is getting a voice.
And the voice is being a statement. A bold statement against all the beliefs and inequality that is inherited without any fear of human nature.
She is a trouble maker for those who think labeling women is right and teaching men to carry a strong personality is upstanding.
In short, she is a trouble maker, a tagged one.
And the people who tagged her are the same who find themselves superior or the one who often uses the culture as a threatening tool. Or the so-called hireling of the society.
Currently, when someone points her as the trouble maker she finds it satisfying and that’s what encourages her to raise herself more.
The only thing she wants is to “Let the soul live on their own without any threat of the social belief.” How to cope when you have been told you’re UGLY?
The only thing she is against is – the so-called hireling declarer of the society who wants to run the whole system in their own value.
The one who wants to kill the emerging excitement of an individual by stepping on their dream castle.
She accepts to be a trouble maker because she believes she can’t make the happy each one of you.
She can’t let her down every time just to make you smile. So, that she can fit on the box of expectation of family ground or her career.
Sacrifice seems beautiful but up to when..?
At a time you need to be brave. And full of courage to take a stand and to select the kind of spotlight you want.
And letting myself free to be a sky bird makes me a trouble maker than I accept to be.
One should know they are not here to please everyone.
So, just be yourself. How to stop saying SORRY?
And let your inner soul be happy and exuberant. Because at the end of the day the thing matter is, “how happy you are?”
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Keep loving, living, and sharing!!

Sangam Bhattarai
I would rather be a trouble-maker than a social contractor.
Yeah 🙂
please share so it can reach to many.
Let’s hear it for the troublemakers of the world! I wasn’t one, and it’s taken a very long time for me to find my true voice.
My daughter has a tattoo that reads “Love her, but leave her wild” She is a troublemaker, and I cold not be prouder.
keep on visiting and sharing your view 🙂