Learning to Love Yourself.
Honestly, I will never stop falling in LOVE. Whether that is to love me or something around me. Learning to Love Yourself is a whole new process to value yourself. But we all are surrounded by the idea of others’ love or the commercialized one. Instead of exploring what we need deep-down, we are settling for some rom-com expectations that look like an illusion. Unrevealed Thoughts

After long cross swords, today, I am here expressing myself. I believe one should be able to choose the happiness, self-time, and environment they want to vibe. In short, choose yourself every time. Give yourself the validation you seek. And for this, the saying I always look towards is,
“If you can learn to love yourself and all the flaws, you can love other people so much better. And that makes you so happy.” – Kristen Chenowith
The Thought,
What do you think about learning to love yourself? Or, in simple terms, the self Love-what would you say?
The probable answer is YES. And, we often refer to our presenting attributes as the result of self-love. I was among the ones who used to brandish and flaunt my influenced nature of me in the name of self-love. The desire to look impeccable from hair to toe perfectly was the influenced definition. Instead of caring about the emotional, mental, and spiritual status, the rush to exhibit the external aspect was always prominent. The showcasing from best clothes to perfect lifestyles was outward that we often don’t realize.
Never realized, what it could be? Honestly, we were raised in a society that didn’t teach us about self-love. The only thing focused on while growing up was, “you should prioritize the relationship associated with you.” In short, “respect the elders and love the juniors” was the exact phrase I learned. Now, I comprehend, that phrase never talked about my presence. There were elders and juniors and the myth around saying, self-love is SELFISH and SELF-INDULGENT. Misinterpretation of Body Language.
Candidly, I am contented that this emerging culture of embracing is recognizing the flicker of Self-Love apart from the fake perfectionism. But, here’s the thing about self-love that is not limited,
Self-Love is a broad term but it is often poorly explained among us. It’s not limited to replying YES to your self-care routines or else doing your favorite kinds of stuff. This may not seem very significant at first glance, but self-love is all about nurturing your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being. And, this is the reason to lead a happy life.
Instead of scrunching your nose, explore something magical that sparks your presence. Because, self-love is the only kind of one-sided that helps you with self-confidence, self-esteem, kindness, enjoying ME time, and a lot. It won’t leave the scratch or baggage instead, it will help you in mitigating.

Additionally, self-care is not about taking a day off to relax or to have a friend gathering. It’s all about daily acts divided into small-small fragments. Cultivate the Compassion.
I understand that self-care isn’t easy. That’s why I call it a process. The process to learn and developing the habit to be available for YOURSELF. To accept and embrace the pain allowing yourself to be honest with every remark. The process to forgive yourself and your past actions and understanding the fact that prioritizing yourself is not wrong and was never wrong.
Also, this leads to better self-care. Because when you love yourself, you’re able to show it through self-care. This means accepting the emotions, fear, and insecurity stepping towards calmness.
We grew up in an environment that taught us to search for love outwardly. The concept of Loving yourself was minimum. Instead, I was forced to respect the person who used to torture me. Everything around was merely focused on others. They taught us to love equally every time the ones hurt. They taught us to see the emotional state in the form of anger, violence, and loudness and even that was gender-based.
There was no environment where I could have afforded the bare minimum of self-care for me because there was no existence of such applauding. Till today, I’ve not digested why anyone would hurt someone they say they love and care about?-and if this happens, surely, this is not the love I would choose.
After all fickleness, I learned to develop a relationship with myself. Learning to love yourself is a long journey and a life-long relationship that helps you to evolve. I learned to love myself which means nurturing and celebrating the beauty of your presence and freedom.
Learning how to embrace is not selfishness. Therefore, let’s debunk the myth around by stepping forward to love yourself. Make your Love enough in the first place. So, do yourself a favor by giving a little time every day to only YOU. The guide to self-enhancement.
Learn to Love Yourself,
- Ignoring the idea of self-love is selfish, because that’s definitely not. It’s just simple, you’re valuing yourself. It’s all about indulging yourself showing that you Love.
- Be responsible, follow your breath and take the responsibility for your feelings. Self-love is about moving with your feeling rather than running away from them. All feelings have something to offer.
- There is no perfection, the reality is flaws, scratches, marks. I do have and I learned to love myself with them. No cosmetic can erase this potential of marks to spread beauty. You’re perfect for you.
- Loving action, words definitely make sense but you need action to believe. Start taking the loving action to feel your nape of the neck, the hairline, and the sexuality.
- Start a conversation, to understand the thought process, or to grab the attention towards own need you need to start a dialogue with yourself. That makes a lot of sense because it is the key to be frank in your zone. You should be able to talk about what you like and dislike.
- Commit to yourself, regularity matters. Dedicate time to creating a daily self-care practice. Whether that’s writing or any extra activities.
- Gratitude, attachment, getting comfortable or closeness may come with a feeling of ungratefulness. Change that pattern and show gratitude always.
- Face negativity and keep checking in, confront the situation.
- Maintain the diet, health is wealth.
- Above all, stop looking for perfection and finding happiness in other body types.
Start taking it seriously. And, I’m sure over time, you will discover that loving yourself solves half of your problem. And, the other half would be solved by the positivity you have and gained. The key to happiness is within you and you shouldn’t allow others to rule you. This is the only power that can heal you and transform you.
Keep Loving, Living, and Sharing. Twitter profile.
( This post contains a few links and ads and images from pixabay which helps me to run this site. And also, this is all my self-expression through writing nothing demeaning.) Instagram

Mind Beauty Simplicity
to love oneself is a powerful thing! it allows us to properly love one another 🙂
True words. Thank you for your beautiful words. Please, keep on visiting.