Self-care: The ultimate guide to self-enhancement.
Self-care is a broad term but it is often poorly explained among us. It’s not limited to replying YES whenever someone said you take care or else doing your favorite kinds of stuff. Self-care: The ultimate guide to self-enhancement. UnrevealedThoughts

Self-care is not something that we should overlook it’s the way of connecting yourself. And there’s no argument on the point that, one should practice it regularly. Because it is not an expense. It’s an Investment to make you better.
There’s a lot of articles, magazines, social media pages working for raising awareness among people. But though we often ignore the needful things thinking we have a great idea or else it won’t gonna work. (Well, even I used to do.)
But with times, things should be changed.
There are indeed many self-care practices and all of them are excellent in their way. But it’s hard to practice even the relevant ones as all of them are not for everyone.
I believe, everyone should have at least a few sorts of relevant self-care on their schedule, that doesn’t matter how busy one is running.
Self-care helps to connect you with yourself and that’s the most important thing to hold. It’s key to improve your stress, anxiety, and obviously, mental health. Taking care of your body emotionally, physically, and mentally is only possible when you practice self-care.
Self-care is glucose that energizes you when you are running low or feeling stressed or something hard.
It’s all about taking care of ourselves, subsequently, being able to take care of others as well. The Art of Living Single.
So, here I thought to share my secret of self-care that I’m following despite arduous and harsh situations (this month is running tough for me). And the thing that is helping me to remain upbeat is my self-care tips.
Tips to Self-care: The ultimate guide to self-enhancement.

Practice meditation.
Just 10-15 minutes of mindfulness meditation, visualization, and breathing session every day will do wonders for your mind and keeps you relaxed and calm. It will further help with anxiety and depression and a lot of pain.
Pamper yourself to a spa.
It’s something that I won’t escape from my self-care routine. ( What does a Perfect day look like? ) Getting a relaxing spa massage can relieve muscle tension. It helps you feel less anxious and more relaxed with an amazing mood.
One should visit the spa at least once a month.
Enough sleep.
For me, the best solution for stress is sleeping. So, I suggest you all take a break from your busy schedule and sleep away your stress. A bubble bath can work better too.
Take a warm hug.
Spend enough time with your loved ones and if there’s anything need to talk about, you should do that rather than letting it drain you.
Do what makes you relieve.
Do at least one pleasurable activity every day. Play a game, paint, cook, visit the cinema, clubbing, or just normal walk around, surely gonna make you feel great and exuberant.

Binge Time.
I often do this late at night. I won’t suggest late at night but yes, you should put on your favorite films and shows and grab yourself a snack and make yourself comfortable on the couch.
Get yourself on a date. How to date yourself?
Laugh when it’s required and feel emotional when you get it, there’s no point in pretending. Because self-love and care are all about you and you. Give yourself permission to rest.
Set up your routine. And I’m sure you will find a difference if you practice it. The above mentioned are the secrets that have been beneficial for me. And I’m sure it will help you to get rid of your tough days too. But don’t get hard on yourself, just have some time with your crazy vibe.
Keep loving, living, and sharing !! (Profile.)

Molly @ Transatlantic Notes
I’m trying to get into a better self-care routine and this will really help — thanks for the inspo!
I’m glad you liked it:) keep on visiting and please do share.
These are great ideas. Binge watching series are a brilliant thing to do, total escapism.
Yeah, actually even it’s my best thing to do.
Glad you like the post:)
Keep on visiting dear.
Thank you!!
Tiffany McCullough - Metaphysical Mama
Great post! It’s true, self-care means something different to everyone. For me sitting in a bubble bath just makes me anxious because I feel like I’m wasting time. I find meditating or doing something creative are much more beneificial for me. Thanks for sharing some great ideas!
Glad you liked the post. And, yes Self-care is different for everyone. Everyone has their own kind of routine for self-care, that needs to be followed strictly. It’s very important.
Thank you for your beautiful words. Keep on visiting dear 🙂
Sleep is definitely super important for looking after yourself! I like to be creative best 🙂
Yea, creativity is the best but personally, for me to restore myself sleeping is very much important and I guess for everyone. Keep on visiting dear. Thank you.
Mummy Conquering Anxiety
Great post.
I agree we should make time for self-care. I did a 20 minute meditation whilst working this morning and I felt very relaxed.
A spa day sounds amazing!
Yes, meditation helps a lot in relaxation. I’m glad you liked the blog. Please, keep on visiting. Thank you!!