He-Him-His struggles to express the feelings !!
Why it’s always Strong Men and Caring Women ?? Caring men and Strong women can’t be ?? Men are always been taught their certain aspects of personality are not acceptable, why? Negative, hollow, and insignificant stereotypes about boys are prevailing. And teaching them “to hold their emotions secretly” or “to cry privately” where only he can listen, his unwhispered voice. We often hear women are the victims and males are the culprits but actually, it’s not always true. The other side is still there. It’s our fault that we have created this society. In such a way, that woman feels as though they have particular stereotypes to live up to…
5 Reasons, Why being Highly Sensitive Is Actually Good?
People often dislike being sensitive, they think they are being weak. But they are the most genuine and honest people you will ever meet. Scroll down to read, the 5 reason for being highly sensitive is actually good. Identifying your real feeling is an important step in overcoming emotional sensitivity. Determine what you are feeling exactly in your term and once you labeled your emotion – your feeling, you will be able to uncover the reason for being this way !! There’s no perfect. And if you found the reasons for being sensitive, then relax – it’s not bad to be sensitive as addressing is far better than letting it…